
Road Transportation Systems Engineering development in the Sub-Saharan Africa – Modern EU Master Programme & Capacity Building [AFROTRANS].

Start: 01-12-2023 End: 30-11-2026

The main goal of the AfroTrans project is to develop a new master’s curriculum:

  1. Building an e-learning platform with access to the Project’s products;
  2. Development of didactic materials in the area of Road Transportation Systems Engineering, dedicated to conducting classes at universities and training courses;
  3. Increasing competence and skills in the field of RTSE by changing the curricula at universities and equipping students and staff with teaching materials based on innovative methods and tools;
  4. Development of lasting relations and continuation of active international cooperation
    between the Project partners with the possibility of extending it to other institutions.


Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt.


Gdansk University of Technology


Bauhaus University of Weimar


Université Officielle de

Rép.Dém. Congo

Université Libre des Pays des
Grands Lacs

Rép.Dém. Congo

Université de l’Assomption au

Rép.Dém. Congo

University of Dschang


Institute of Technology of Industry, Management and Entrepreneurship


Project Kick-off Meeting in Cameroon (Bafoussam) from 3-05April 2024